One of the hardest things about this post-a-day idea is coming up with ideas. I have been in a battle with writer’s block since I first started writing for fun. It’s one thing to have a paper assigned in elementary school, but once you are given the freedom to do anything it is a bit more confusing.

I have some ideas for this written down, but I am not ready to go to those just yet. Those are my back up. I have 40 plus days to fill. If I go to those ideas now, I will run out and then I am really in trouble.
Writer’s block can take many forms. It could be as complicated at the idea to write about or something as simple as the best way to word something. I can remember sitting and staring at a blank screen when trying to find the right way to start an article for one of my classes.

For me the fight with writer’s block is a series of typing, deleting, typing more, sitting with hands hovering over the keys, hitting “command s” to save (always a good idea) and then finally typing faster than I can think (which leads to some interesting misspellings and word choices).

Really though, it just comes down to time. As I struggled with what to write about today, I came to this idea. I looked over my list of backup ideas, thought about what has been going on in my life, or anything that I could get 200 words out of. Well, today it turned into 278 words on the very thing that was giving me the hardest time.


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