I like some sci-fi. For years my exposure to the genre was one show: “Firefly.” It was sci-fi for dummies. The show had no science jargon and no aliens. I was happy there and did not dare venture further into the sci-fi shows that were not named “Firefly.”
Since I have gotten Netflix, I have taken full advantage of the Watch Instantly feature. One show I have gotten into is “Doctor Who.”
The BBC series revolves around a Timelord called The Doctor who travels through time and helps those in need. He usually has a companion with him and she is there to help him.
The show is really good. I was taken aback by the aliens at first, but I got over that quickly. The Doctor is a great character. There is a lot to him that we can only guess at. He is the last of his kind, the rest of his people died in a Time War many years ago. He has an odd sense of humor, but also a sense of duty. He gives every bad guy he comes up against a chance to leave before he destroys them.
The really unique thing about the show is that they can change the actor who plays the Doctor anytime they need to. One of the traits of a Timelord is that when they die, they regenerate and change appearance. The show started in 1963 and was rebooted in 2005. The new version is on its 3rd Doctor (11th overall) and will come back very soon.