Naps are amazing. When I get back from school, the one and only thing I want to do is sit in bed and watch a movie. This usually leads to me missing a giant chunk of the movie because my eyelids become just too heavy.
In the summer I always find that after a long day at camp, a nap is in order. Kids are exhausting. When I spend most of the day on my feet, chasing kindergartners around, naptime is inevitable. The thing about a nap is that it is like a quick recharge. In the summer between the heat and the kids, I am drained by 3 p.m. Lying in bed and taking a 20-minute nap is just the pick-me-up I need.
I don’t drink coffee. I have not had a drop of soda for almost 5 years now. Caffeine, the pick-me-up for the majority of the world is something I do not get much of. That leaves very little in terms of a swift kick to keep me going.
So I turned to naps. I took one today when I got home from school. Its not that I was overly tired, I just needed those 20-30 minuets to make the rest of the day easier.