There is nothing more awesome than when you get a group of fans together and put them in a room to take part in some aspect of their fandom. I had one of those experiences on Thursday. A few of my friends and I went to see “Evil Dead: The Musical.” It is a musical based on the Evil Dead trilogy, three movies I love. They are campy, funny, gross and just a bit scary. The musical has all of those, plus dancing and music.
I am not here to review the musical. It is the experience I want to write about today. The people who went to “Evil Dead” were
fans of the movies and it showed. In the musical, there are plenty of references to the movies and those involved. When Ash utters his famous “This is my boomstick,” line, the crowed went crazy.
To be in a room full of people who love what you love is simply amazing. The room is basically of the same mind. We clap together, laugh together and get sprayed with blood together.That’s right, “Evil Dead” is full of blood. I was lucky enough to sit in the first row, which is a part of the “splatter zone.” As Ash hacks and slices up the demons who have possessed his friends, those in the first three rows get covered in “blood.” It was awesome. I could not see anything more than just wet until later in the night when I got back. There were red splotches on my sweatshirt and jeans. Part of me is hoping they don’t come out in the wash. It is just another way for me to remember how truly fun the entire experience was.