Rambling Post #1

This is one of those days where this thing becomes more work than fun. As mentioned in the previous post, I teach on Monday and am currently in the process of getting my lesson plan together. It is mostly done right now, but there are still a few things I have to tweak and flesh out more. On top of all of that I just spent the past 2-3 hours working on my online class work/ getting my laundry done. So as the last load has just been put in the dryer and I am about to take a break before getting back to work on all the stuff I have to do, I figured this would be a good time for some rambling. These are more of the thought currently in my head and I need 200 words, so I might as well do it this way.

Turns out that I got a pay cut for all my work at the Record, I was only making $100 a month, I was just bumped down to $75. Well, looks like I can stop busting my ass to help them out. They want to pay me $75 bucks, they are only going to get $75 dollars worth of work out of me.

Wow, that went quicker than I thought. I am already over 200 words. I just might come back to this rambling post idea later.


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