This brings me to the last day of my “Week of Whedon” and I think the time has come to explain why I am a fan. I guess this would be the time I break my earlier promise to not mention “Firefly.” It is a huge part of why I am in this fandom in the first place.In 2002 when I saw the previews for “Firefly,” I was intrigued. The line that got me was Wash saying “Oh, my God! What can it be? We’re all doomed! Whose flying this thing? Oh, right, that would be me. Back to work.” Something about that line hooked me into watching the show when it aired.
After the movie, I was hooked into everything Joss. Over the past year and a half, I have watched everything else. I watched “Buffy” and then “Angel” and was blown away by them and what Whedon did with them.
What kept me in were the writing and the characters. I love good writing. It is the first thing I look for in a television show. No one has done it better. The mythology of the shows combined with the wit, humor and drama are like nothing I have ever seen.
His characters are just as good. Strong female characters are what Whedon does best and the women in his shows were amazing. His characters are so flushed out that even the side characters are great and easy to like.
I am a Whedon fan and will remain one for as long as I can.
Joss Whedon is my master now!