A few weeks ago when I got that little red Netflix envelope in the mail it contained a documentary called “Young @ Heart.” It is about a chorus of elderly people who live in a nursing home who make up the Young @ Heart chorus. They sing contemporary songs and perform all over the place, including a prison.

It is a good documentary and is both funny and touching. It is inspiring to see these 70 and 80-year-olds so full of life and enjoying performing. Their drive to memorize all the words to the songs and to perform them perfectly makes me feel bad that I am writing this from my bed. Sure I have work to do, but the motivation to get up and do it is just not there. This group puts me to shame.

I don’t really know the rules for spoilers as far as documentaries go, but I have to mention the following. During the filming and a week before their performance two members of the group die. They are clearly shaken by this news, but they press on. They love what they do and they know that the two who died would want them to continue. In the performance at the end of the movie, former member, Fred Knittle comes out to sing one final song. It will be his last performance with the group because he is retiring from performing. He sings Coldplay’s “Fix You” and with all that happens before hand, it is a very moving performance. See it, if only for that scene.

If you want, I linked it below (just to give you a taste)
Young @ Heart-FIx You


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