Last night I had probably the worst dream I could have at this point in my life. First some context is needed to better understand the feelings I had when I woke up this morning.

On Monday I will be teaching my first solo lesson. This semester is my make or break semester. If I don’t feel like teaching is something I can do when this is over, I need to figure out the next step. (Not that I am really that worried about that happening.)

Last night I had a dream that I completely bombed my lesson plan and got a D+. When I woke up there was this feeling I could not, and still have not fully been able to shake. This felling really sums up every single worry I have right now.

Granted I know it was just a dream. (Coincidently that is the title of the book I will be reading.) There are a lot of things about the dream that make it just that: a dream. I don’t get a letter grade for my lessons, my teacher gives the evaluation (in my dream it was the classroom teacher,) the library I went to was not the school’s library or the Buffalo State library, and for some reason there was a wet towel in my backpack.

It’s weird the things you overlook in a dream when it feels so real.


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