It is hard to believe, but “Survivor” has been around for 10 years. The show is currently four episodes into its 20th season (they do two a year. One in the fall and one in the winter) and it is as good as ever.

The gimmick/subtitle for this season is “Heroes vs. Villains.” This season the cast is made up of the 10 best heroes and 10 best villains from the past 19 seasons of the show. Now I don’t agree with all the choices they made and there are even a few people they picked who I do not remember at all, but the season is more than its gimmick.

The challenges are more intense (in the first episode one Hero got her shoulder dislocated and another broke his toe.) The social game has been brought to a whole new level. It is what you get when you get people who have played this game at least once before. A few of them are making their third appearance on the show (there was an All Star season as well as a Fans versus Favorites season.)

“Survivor” remains my guiltiest of pleasures. I make no excuses about it. I love this show and will continue to watch as long as is stays around.


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