So instead of me coming up with a new idea each day this week, I am going to have 7 different posts on the same topic. That topic is Joss Wheadon and all he has done. Here is the kicker, I will not mention “Firefly” once (except for that). I figured I have talked it up to death and there is much more to the Whedonverse.
So besides that show I cannot mention, Joss has also been the mind behind “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” “Angel,” “Dollhouse” and the Internet phenomenon “Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog.”All his shows have as cult following and the fans are very vocal about their obsession. He is one of those writers/directors who loves his fans and knows how to keep them. He tells the stories he wants to tell, not what the studios want him too, and the fans have come along for that ride for 13 years (Buffy first aired 13 years ago a few weeks ago).
What he has is a wit and humor that no one else comes close to. His characters are easy to relate to and his storytelling ability is unmatched. He is also willing to take risks. He did a musical episode of “Buffy” as well as an episode mostly done in silence and a show with no background music. “Dollhouse” was a premise that was hard to sell, but he told the story the way he wanted to. Not the one that would be most popular. Then there was a space western which I cannot talk about.
What I hope to do over the next seven days is to show just how awesome Joss Whedon is and maybe even get someone, anyone to join the fandom.