Rambling Post #2

I liked doing the rambling post before and today I don’t really have a coherent idea to write about so this will be another one of those rambling posts.

I taught my first lesson on Monday and I think it went pretty well. The kids seemed to enjoy it and I got great feedback from both my teacher and the teacher whose classroom I am in. I know what I have to do for the next lesson. That lesson will be one week from today (Wednesday.)

At this point I am really looking forward to Spring Break. I need this week off. In truth it will not be a complete week off. I do have
some work to get done. I have one more lesson to plan for the week I get back. It should be easier though because it is a wrap up lesson. I am going to do a Jeopardy game. There will be very little teaching involved in that lesson, but there is a ton to plan out.

This whole experiment has been a lot harder than I thought it would be. I am enjoying it, at least some days, and it has been nice to branch out into topics other than my usual TV and movies. It will be 40 (plus) days in a little over a week and while I am not going to continue to post something everyday, I just might post something once a week. That seems doable.


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