When I wake up days I do not have class I have two options. 1) get up and get work done or 2) stay in bed as long a possible because I can always do work later.

Yesterday was one of those days and I chose the former. I got all my online class work done so I could take it easy for the rest of the day. I took a $25 Blockbuster gift card (Thanks Deb/John) and decided to feed my DVD addiction. I ended up getting “G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra” and “Star Trek.” Even as I walked to the register to check out, I was struck at the dichotomy of my selections.

On one hand I had “Star Trek.” It was one of the best movies I saw last year. There is very little I did not like about the movie and it was a close to the perfect summer movie as you can get. Fun, smart, great computer graphics, great cast, acting… you get the point.

On the other hand I had “G.I. Joe,” a movie that I think is complete crap yet, loved every minute of it. It was fun but dumb. It had tons of crappy special effects and terrible acting and a completely ridiculous plot full of holes.

I think that these two choices epitomize my taste in movies. I have a lot of great movies in my collection—classic movies with strong acting and even better storytelling. Then I have my “fun” movies—the ones where you can put your brain aside and just enjoy it for what it is. In some cases I watch these movies more than the quality ones in my collection.


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