Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs-not destroying my childhood as much as I thought
Posted by Matt Levy at 4:25:00 PMI know that when I wrote my review of “Where the Wild Things Are,” I said I would never see the movie adaptation of “Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs.” Well, I did. It is not the book, but it has some good things going for it. Seeing as I have set down a 40 posts in 40 days goal for me, I figured this was good enough to warrant 200 words.
There are elements to the movie I liked. There were some funny parts and it was cool to see parts of the book on screen. The one scene that sticks out from the book for me is the picture of the pancake on the school—that was in the movie too, so I appreciated that shout out
I still cannot get past the fact that they explained the weather. In the book it just happened. It is a kid’s book; there is no need to explain anything. The same can be said for a kid’s movie. If the movie had just revolved around the crazy weather is Chewandswallow I would have been happier.
This is one of those times where I cannot put aside any bias. I remember that book more than any other from my childhood.
There was nothing they could have done short of a direct adaptation to make me happy. If you have kids, watch it. It is enjoyable. If you have a special place in your heart for the movie like I do, don’t bother.