Whenever the winter Olympics come around, one thing seems to be in style: watching curling. The question is why. The sport boils down to a odd combination of darts, shuffle board, and doing the chores. Where is the fun in watching that?

I don’t know why I love curling, but I do. Living in Buffalo I get access to the Canadian television channels and every now and then curling is on and I will watch it if I catch it when channel surfing.

So now that the Olympics are underway, I get to watch curling on an international scale. I was watching the US lose to Switzerland last night and it got me thinking about why I watch the sport.

Just because I watch it, does not mean I understand it. I barely know the basics of the game and very little of the terminology. I think that is why I love it: I don’t get it. It is a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a Lost episode. I get it. I just don’t understand it.

That is why I keep watching, I want to understand it. Sure I could Google it and get all the rules and strategies, but where is the fun in that?


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