One of the joys in my life is going to the movies. I don’t drink that often and I don’t do drugs so my only real escape is that dark theater. There was a time a few years ago when I would have never ventured into a theater alone. It just seemed sad to be there by yourself. Now things have changed. Most of my friends have moved back home or are off doing other things not in Buffalo. Even the few people I still talk to in this town are usually too busy to go to a movie.
Now I do not mind going to a movie alone. It completely changed the experience. I am they type of guy that likes to stay through the credits. I like to be the guy there when the lights come back up and the usher comes in to clean up. Some part of me feels obligated to stay because for some reason I feel the need to support everyone who made the movie. Somehow staying there and just looking at all the names fulfills that need. When I go with other people I do not do that. I am not staying that I want to stay, it is that I choose not to make a big deal of it.
The credits are not the only thing that changes. The entire feeling of the movie-going experience changes as well. It is just you. No friends, no family, no girlfriend/boyfriend. Just you and the movie. Even with other people in the theater, you can feel totally alone. And sometimes that is just what the doctor ordered.
I still love going to see movies with others, don’t get me wrong. There is just something nice about the solidarity of seeing a movie alone that is nice once and a while.