Jack is back. And I could not be happier. Television needs a good swift kick in the ass and Jack is just the man for the job. It is about time for a show that just has some good action, drama and a man with a satchel of doom.

“24: Redemption” picks up three years after the seventh season ended. Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland) has been around the world doing what he wants and for the past year has been avoiding a subpoena from the Senate to answer for what he has done. He is in Africa with a friend, Carl Benton (Robert Carlyle), of his who runs a school for boys. Colonel Juma (Tony Todd) and his men are going into villages and taking boys to turn into soldiers for their cause. When they come to the school and Jack does what he does best; kick ass.

Meanwhile in the United States President-Elect Allison Taylor (Cherry Jones) is about to be sworn in as president. Current President Noah Daniels (Powers Booth) is dealing with the uprising in Africa.

As a huge fan of the show, I could not contain my smile as I heard Jack Bauer say, “The following takes place between 2:00 p.m. and 3 p.m. Events occur in real time.” Its good to hear you again Jack, I missed you.

As a stand alone movie this does not work. As a prequel to the seventh season of the show, it is perfect.

It does a great job of introducing the characters who are going to be a part of the new season come January. The new president, who seems to be headed in a David Palmer direction, a shady man—quite possibly the villain of the season played by Jon Voight, the first family, the military commander leading the coup. All of these characters could make the season very interesting.

Action has always been the name of the game in “24” and it is at its best in “Redemption.” Jack has noting but two pistols and a few stick of dynamite as he takes on the rebels who invaded the camp. That is all he needs. He does what he does best, improvise and survive.

Granted if you have been paying attention, you know how this is going to end. Jack will rescue the kids and because of that he will end up having to go back to the States to face the charges. That does not make it any less intriguing. Jack is always fun to watch and he always gets the job in his own special, often violent way.

There is just something about having “24” back that makes me happy. I don’t have to theorize about it, all I have to do is watch. It is a wild thrill ride and has kept things interesting, if not always good.

Now all I have to do is wait until January to see season seven.


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