I have been hearing a lot of negative things about this season of “Heroes” and quite frankly I am getting sick of it. Even with all its faults, it is still one of the best shows on television.
People have complained that things are getting too confusing, they storylines are not as strong and the show has lost the direction it had in the first season. A few weeks ago Entertainment Weekly published an article on how they could fix “Heroes” It sighted five reasons why the show has been dropping in the ratings: Too many heroes, absurd plot twists, over heightened reality, stale storytelling and the show is too disposable.
As much as I love the show, I think “Lost” is also partially to blame for the current state of “Heroes”. There is a lot of crossover between “Heroes” fans and “Lost” fans: me included. When it comes right down to it, “Lost” is the superior show. The story progression and writing are the best on television. They have the benefit of knowing when the show will end. ABC has scheduled the show for the next two years with 18 episodes a season.
I think “Heroes” would do well to do the same. Not to end the show for good like “Lost,” but wrap up these characters. I agree things are crowded on the show and they would do well to kill off characters or wrap up storylines. If each season was about different groups of heroes, it might keep the show fresh and new.
Yes, the show has its faults. Yes, there are things the show needs to do to fix it, but I still think the harsh criticism is a bit unwarranted.
I think things need to play out before a fair judgment can be made. No one dispensing the criticism knows when the end game for this volume is. Some of the things people gripe about (storylines, changes in character) could make the end all the better. I think that we need to see how it ends before we say that the show has lost its way.
“Heroes” is not a perfect show. The first season left a huge legacy to live up to, and the writer’s strike and the shortened weak second season has made many people jaded. The show may have lost its way but it is not beyond saving. If the creators and writers can tweak things just a little, they show can get back to what it once was. I will continue to support and defend the show. I like where the show is going and look forward to seeing how this volume ends.