Have you ever stopped to think about how many crime shows there are on television? Law and Order, Law and Order :SVU, Law and Order: CI, CSI, CSI: Miami, CSI: NY, Cold Case, Without a Trace, Life (more on that one to come), and those are just the ones I can think of. It takes something special to stick out and separate itself from all the rest. One show that does that is “Bones”
I have had some free time lately and I watched the older seasons of “Bones” on Hulu and fell in love. “Bones” is better than most others like it. The cases are more interesting, the show is funnier, the chemistry between characters is better and the characters are easier to care about.
“Bones” is about forensic anthropologist Dr. Temperance “Bones” Brennan (Emily Deschanel). She is the best in her field and works in Washington D.C. at The Jeffersonian Institute where she helps the FBI solve cases. She works with Special Agent Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) to solve some of the most gruesome crimes that fall under FBI jurisdiction.
The cases in this show are incredibility interesting. Bodies are found in all sorts of places, in all sorts of positions and situations. In this past season a body was found in a crushed car, in other seasons bodies, or body parts, were found in a bear, an alligator, walls and in a time capsule. One had victim was dressed as Santa, one as a superhero, one was found in the incinerator of the Jeffersonian. Complete skeletal remains were once found with hands and feet bound together making the body form a circle.
I think I have made my point.
The driving force behind the show is not the cases like other shows it is the relationships. Especially when it comes to that of Bones and Booth. Since day one it has seemed like that they were going to end up together. It may seem like the classic “will they won’t they” that many shows have, but they never have and I doubt they ever will. The relationship is very playful. She is a brilliant scientist who understands things from an anthropological standpoint. He is a tough-as-nails, witty, FBI agent who understands human nature. As smart as Bones is, she is lost when it comes to things like pop culture, FBI procedure, and dealing with the living.
So much is said with just the looks that these two give one another. They clearly are about one another, but they have never crossed the professional line. While this would be annoying in most shows, I think it works really well in this show. They do not need to end up together in order to make the relationship better. It just as fun to watch them as merely partners, they do not need to be more.
The backgrounds on all the characters are fascinating. Booth is a former army sniper who is not comfortable with what he had to do for his country. Bones was in the foster system after her parents left her and her brother when they were young. It is easy to care about these characters. Over the pervious seasons we have been given details on their backgrounds. In season two, the body of Bones’ mother was found which eventually lead to the appearance of her father. He became a bigger part in the show when he killed the crooked head of the FBI because he had sent people after his children.
There is so much good about this show. It is one of the best shows you are not watching. Even though it is a show you don’t have to watch every week, I still do because it is that good.
Watch “Bones” on Fox every Wed at 8 p.m.