If you are going to bring your kid to a movie theater, then keep them under control. Do not let them blather on loudly. Do not let them run up and down the aisles with reckless abandon. It is annoying and rude. There are movies to take your kids to and movies not to take your kids to. Any Disney movie is perfect. Take them to that Hanna Montana movie, or some other movie I am not going to see.
Granted I had no right to complain, it is not like I was dying to see “Jumper.” To be honest, it has been a very long time since I have had the chance to rip a movie apart and I was hoping that this would be my chance to have some fun when writing the review. It is easier to trash a movie then it is to praise it. I wanted to hate “Jumper,” but I just could not. That is not to say that it was good, I just did not hate it.
When David Rice (Hayden Christiansen) discovers he has the power to transport himself anywhere he wants his life changes. He leaves his father and lives on his own by robbing banks, but always promises himself that he will pay it back (how
I do not know, all he does is rob banks so he owes a lot of people a lot of money). One day he finds that he is being pursued by an organization sworn to kill him and others like him. Lead by Roland (Samuel L. Jackson) this group stops at nothing to make sure these “jumpers” are stopped and killed before they become dangerous.
As far as plot goes, that is really all that matters. There is some little thing about a girl he likes (Rachel Bilson) who you know is going to become bait/ used against him at some point, otherwise why else is she there?
If you are among the few who find themselves thinking that it was just the bad script/ dialogue that made Christianson’s Anakin Skywalker so boring and bad, let me assure you, it was not just that. He gives the same bad, emotionless performance here that he did in the movies that made him famous.
It is like watching paint dry when he is on screen. He shows the emotional range of a moss-covered rock sitting at the bottom of a muck filled pond. Happy, angry, sad, hungry, tired; it is all the same. Quite frankly it is a mystery why he keeps getting cast in movies. If only someone would put me in charge, I could end the misery that is watching Senior Dull on screen.I will skip Rachel Bilson because we all know she cannot act and was there purely for the sex appeal.
With the small exception of Samuel L Jackson being a bad ass, but then again when is he not and the other jumper, Jamie Bell, the movie was a waste of time. At it’s best it is only mildly entertaining. The science fiction elements are cool and had potential to be good, but the lackluster acting, first and foremost from Christiansen, makes the thing hard to watch and not worth the short running time.
5 our of 10
Rated PG-13 for sequences of intense action violence, some language and brief sexuality.
90 min