For the love of all that is good in this world just watch "Friday Night Lights" already
Posted by Matt Levy at 11:44:00 PMI have a movie review to write, but it can wait. There is something more pressing I have to write about. I watch a ton of TV. I am sure that if there were a way to weigh my viewing it would be a literal be a ton. So that should lend some weight, no pun intended, to the fact that my favorite show is “Friday Night Lights”
The show just wrapped up its fourth season and it reminded me why I love the show as much as I do. If you need a plot synopsis look here, here and here for my reviews of the first three seasons.
This season Coach Taylor is the coach of the new East Dillon Lions. Tami, his wife is still the principal at Dillon High so her loyalties are split. The season looked a lot at the new team and the new players, specifically the QB Vince (Michael B. Jordan). He has a past that includes a wrap sheet and football is the only way to keep him out of jail. What is it about the show I love so much? I think the question is what don’t I love. The high point of this and every season was the relationship between Tami and Eric Taylor. They are the best married couple in the history of television. They extremely supportive of one another, but they are not afraid to speak their mind or give the other a hard time (even in a light hearted fashion.) They listen to one another and stick by one another regardless. They are not a television couple, they don’t bicker aimlessly and are never on the verge of big drama, they are a real couple.
You cannot help but care about these characters. That is the strength of the show, the characters. You get invested in these people. When they mess up you feel for them or wish you could be there to smack some sense on them. When they do something great you root for them. I watch the football scenes just like I watch a really good football game. I am standing up and pacing. I raise my arms in celebration when they score. It is because I care about the characters. They are real and you have to care for them or the show will not work.
The show’s final season will be next year. I ask you…no, beg and plead with you to use the next 11 or so months to catch up on the first four seasons. It is an amazing show and I simply cannot recommend it enough. Trust me, you will fall in love with the Taylor’s and the other people of Dillon, Texas.
Clear Eyes. Full Hearts. Can’t Lose.