Some things just keep hanging around; that guy at the party who stays long after everyone else has left, the lake-effect snow of Western New York, Bunker. In some cases that resilience can be frustrating and leave people wondering when they will be rid of this pain in the ass (not a commentary on my mom’s feelings toward the dearly departed dog). Then there are those things that you have to love for their willingness to stick around; the coworker who stays late to give you a hand, the friend who won’t leave until your problems are solved, Bunker. There is one more to add to that list; “Scrubs.”
Last night marked the return of the most medically accurate show on television (look it up, its actually true.) Last year the show looked to be over and many fans, me included, were satisfied with the ending. J.D. was moving on and so were we. Then ABC announced they were renewing the show for a 9th season. Now the show focuses on medical students being taught by some of the familiar faces from Sacred Heart. Turk (Donald Faison,) J.D (Zach Braff,) Dr. Kelso (Ken Jenkins) and Dr. Cox (John C. McGinley) are all teachers at the new Sacred Heart Medical School.While the show has not changed that much, it feels very different. Braff has signed on for a few episodes to make the transition to Kerry Bishé’s Lucy to become the focal point of the show. She will take over the internal monologues and crazy fantasies once reserved for J.D. This is a change I think I can deal with. There were episodes where the focus was on another character in the show and J.D. took a back seat. Those episodes were as good as any if the others in the series.
The change of scenery is also something that will require some adjustment time. Sacred Heart hospital is gone and the medical school has taken its place. It is a much bigger set and the look and feel of the halls of the old Sacred Heart is no longer there.
There are a few shows where you know you way around the world created. For me, I know every inch of Serenity on “Firefly.” I also could also find my way around Sacred Heart Hospital. This does open up the show to do more in terms of variety of locations and I look forward to see what they do with this new freedom.
The show feels very different. I really cannot find the words to describe just what that means, but it can be compared to moving. You are still home, but the new place just doesn’t feel like the old one.
The only real problem I have with the new season is that I loved the finale. The final scene of J.D. walking down the halls of Sacred Heart one last time was one a great way to end it. So, really the show has to live up to that, but I have a feeling it will. I am going to stick with it in spite of all that has changed. I truly love this show and I am happy it is still on the air after all it has been though (see any previous reviews for that lovely story.)
“Scrubs” Tuesday 9 p.m. on ABC