"Half-Blood Prince"-the violent calm before the even more violent storm
Posted by Matt Levy at 2:11:00 PMHere is a little insider information. When I see a movie during the movie I make note of things I should mention in the review. I’ll see a scene and say, “When I talk about so-and-so’s performance, I will mention this scene.” Some movies I don’t know what I will say until I sit down and write them. “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” is one of those movies. I am a fan of the books. I have liked the movies so far and when I sit down to watch them I do so as a fan and not a critic. Which makes this just a little bit harder.
Let’s face it, fans of the books know what is going to happen and what events lead to this picture:
But for those not in the know, it breaks down to this. Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) is back at Hogwarts for his sixth year. With the revelation that Lord Voldemort is back, things are a little different. Granted from the movie all that seems to be going on is the hormones of the Hogwarts students are up and everyone seems to be snogging (kissing). The real stories in the movie is the ones between Dumbledore (Michael Gambon) and Harry Potter and Snape (Alan Rickman) and Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton). On one hand Harry and Dumbledore are on a quest to learn more about Tom Riddle, the boy who grew to become the Dark Lord known as Voldomort. As for Snape and Malfoy, Snape pledges to help Malfoy carry out a deed that the Dark Lord handpicked the young wizard to do.
I both love and hate this movie.
I love it as a fan, but as a critic, I hate it.
From the critical standpoint, nothing happens. The movie could have been 30 minuets long and all the important stuff would have happened. All we really needed to know was about the horcruxes. It is too complicated for me to explain here, so just see the movie or read the book.
As a fan, this movie is awesome. Qudditch is back, Hermonie (Emma Watson) admits her love for Ron (Rupert Grint), Harry and Ginny (Bonnie Wight) become an item, (which still bothers me, I mean that is your best friend’s sister. IT IS JUST PLAIN WRONG) and then there is everything with Dumbledore. If you have seen or read anything on these movies before you know that the cast is great and are all perfectly cast. Blah. Blah. Blah. One guy who needs to get the proper recognition is Alan Rickman. For very spolierlific reasons his is a tough character to play (READ THE BOOKS) and he is awesome at it. He is able to walk the line between evil and good guy and cross it at ease. If there is one reason to see any of these movies, he is it.
Even with the fan and the critic at odds within me, I liked this movie a lot. I look at it as warm up to the climax that will be the next two movies based on “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows” which come out in 2010 and 2011.
8 out of 10
Rated PG for scary images, some violence, language and mild sensuality
153 minuets