“Trekers” is the politically correct term for what is commonly known as “Trekies.” No matter what you call them, I still hate them. As a member of a fandom, I know my limits. I don’t go around quoting “Firefly,” reading fanfic (stories written by fans about their chosen obsession), post on message boards, save money to go to fan conventions, buy any and all merchandise. I could go on and on, but it all boils down to: “I hate Trekies.” That being said, I loved the new “Star Trek” movie. “Star Trek” is not a conventional sequel, prequel, or even a true reboot. I don’t even know how to classify it. The ship, George Kirk (Chris Hernsworth) and pregnant mother, Winona (Jennifer Morrison) are on is attacked by Nero (Eric Bana) and George is forced to take dramatic action to save the crew and his new family.
Years later James Kirk (Chris Pine) is recruited by Star Fleet Captain Pike (Bruce Greenwood) to join the fleet. When he is not chosen to go on a rescue mission, he sneaks onto a ship (the USS Enterprise, not surprisingly) and forces himself into the mission. Things begin to go wrong when Nero shows up. He wants to destroy Spock’s (Zachary Quinto) home world of Valcan. The young crew of the USS Enterprise does everything they can to stop Nero.
The casting in this movie is absolutely perfect. Pine is a great Kirk, Quinto plays Spock as both emotionless and human, Karl
Urban is an amazing “Bones” McCoy, I could go an and on. The one casting I loved was Simon Pegg as “Scotty.” Pegg is best known for “Shaun of the Dead” and has been gaining fame ever since. I am not well versed in the original show, but I like what they did with “Scotty” in the new movie. “Scotty” is a genius, but is also very laid back. They could not have gotten a better actor for the role.
Director J.J. Abrams has become a huge star as of late. As a producer/director/writer, he has his hands in many pots. He is the creator of the brilliant “Lost,” he produced last year’s sleeper-hit “Cloverfield” and directed the surprisingly watchable “Mission Impossible 3.” What he does here is amazing, he did not make a “Star Trek” movie. He made a movie that just happened to be “Star Trek.” It is not just for fans, it is a great as a stand alone movie. I knew virtually nothing about the mythology of “Star Trek” but I enjoyed this on the same level as my friends who were.
This is not your father's "Star Trek." The space battles are fast paced, diplomacy is not discussed in long scenes, the fight sequence looks stunning and there is even a little sex in the movie. Hardcore Trek fans are pissed at some of these changes, but if you really want a series to be successful, you cannot cling to the past. My message to them is, get over it. Trust me. J.J is doing you a favor.
I don’t want to say anything that would spoil the movie, but Lenard Nemoy, makes an appearance as the character he made famous: Spock. How can there be two Spocks? That would ruin a big part of the plot, so I’ll just say you have to see it.
9 out of 10
Rated PG-13 for sci-fi action and violence, and brief sexual content.
127 min