Fanatics will follow the object of their worship where ever they go and support whatever they do. I am a Joss Whedon fanatic. It started with “Firefly.” I love that show with an insane passion. I watched his web show, “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.” During my six months of, lets just call it unwanted free time, I watched his other two series. “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” and the spin-off “Angel.” I became a full-fledged Whedon fanatic. I love his writing style, his characters, his stories and his willingness to push the envelope. He did an episode of “Buffy” where most of it is silence, he did a musical episode, “Dr. Horrible” showed how web content could be successful when done properly, he has continued “Buffy” in comic books, he made a movie based on his canceled television show “Firefly.” Now there is “Dollhouse” and legions of Whedonites are following their leader once again. Echo (Eliza Dushku) is an active. She can be imprinted with personalities and skills to suite whoever is willing to pay. She lives in the Dollhouse where she and others like her spend time when they are not being, for lack of a better word, rented. They can be anyone the client wants. When the time comes, the active goes back to the dollhouse and has their memory wiped.
That is the short version. Over the past three episodes a larger story is arising. Alpha, most likely the first active, escaped (before the show takes place) and killed many who work in the dollhouse and many of the actives, but not Echo. He seems to be dropping hints to what and where the dollhouse is to FBI agent Paul Ballard (Tahmoh Penikett), who is looking for the dollhouse. There is also an interesting thing happening with Echo, she is remembering things she should not: her past.
My main worry, besides the show getting canceled for low ratings, is Dushku. She was great on Buffy as Faith, the tough, Slayer gone bad. She does not have the range as an actress that I feel is needed to pull off this character. She can be anyone and I’m not sure that can be delivered on. If the show boils down to the same three personalities, the show will get old and get the axe before too long.
I still remain hopeful. I look forward to where Joss takes things. He has done amazing things in the past and this could be great. The Friday night timeslot is going to be tough and the ratings are already slipping. In the world of DVR, Hulu and iTunes, it is doing pretty well. It always comes in at number one on Hulu and iTunes, so I have some hope that it will make it past one season.
Joss has an amazing ability to tell riveting stories and great characters. I proudly call myself a member of the Wheadonverse. I have stuck with him through a lot and and I am there again doing what I can to see him succeed. I will watch it until the end, whatever that may be.
Friday 9/8c on Fox