"Jumper" is better than "Casablanca" and "Citizen Kane" combined **April Fool's Article**
Posted by Matt Levy at 11:38:00 PMThere are times when I pay the reasonable sum of just over $9, the bargain price of $11 dollars for popcorn and a drink and walk into a theater with floors so clean you could eat off them and I think to myself, this experience is worth more than the $20 I paid. Then there are movies where I insist on paying more because I enjoyed it so much. I had one of those experiences lately and I have been forever changed by “Jumper” and may never see another movie again because nothing could ever live up to the precedent set by this movie.
When David Rice (Hayden Christiansen) discovers he has the power to transport himself anywhere he wants his life changes. He leaves his father and lives on his own by robbing banks, but always promises himself that he will pay it back One day he finds that he is being pursued by an organization sworn to kill him and others like him. Lead by Roland (Samuel L. Jackson) this group stops at nothing to make sure these “jumpers” are stopped and killed before they become dangerous.
Hayden Christiansen is the best young actor working today. The range of emotion he shows is stunning. He made the Star Wars prequels what they were and is getting the attention he deserves.
He plays Rice with a blandness that no other actor could give. It is an award worthy performance that is sure to get an Oscar nomination next year.The other star is Rachel Bilson who plays a childhood friend, Millie. Bilson takes the brilliance that she brought to “The O.C.” She is able to keep Millie from being a character of any substance. She never amounts to anything more than eye candy and it takes real talent to pull that off.
The plot is new and inventive. Never before have we seen a person use a power to his or her own advantage. He can go anywhere and do just about anything. He uses the power to go to England, eat dinner and sleep with women. This is a daring and inventive idea and I wish more movies would go with this incredibly interesting thing to do.