
And the award for disappointment of the new television season goes to…“Fringe.” It does not mean that this is going to be a negative review, just one where I was expecting it to be better than it is.

Seeing as my career track in no longer this, I will make the synopsis short. Remember the television show “The X-Files?” Think of this show as that just less monsters and more strange experiments and odd occurrences.
The hype for this show was huge. It was supposed to be the penultimate show for the fall season. It is good. I enjoy watching it and catch it week to week, I was just expecting more.

Lately the show has been getting better. The overarching mystery is making more of an appearance and that makes the show more interesting. What they call “The Pattern” is coming. FBI Agent Olivia Duhamn (Ana Torv,) Peter Bishop (Joshua Jackson) and his father Dr. Walter Bishop (John Noble) are the team in charge of figuring out what is happening.

The title comes from the term fringe science. All the events that occur in the show falls into this area. In one episode a baby is born and ages until it dies all within a matter of hours, last week a man was given power over electricity, this week's episode had a medical company making people into human nuclear weapons.

The show finds humor in odd places. Walter was in a mental institution before being let out to help the FBI. He does not always say the most appropriate things for the situations they find themselves in. In one episode Peter pulls a hand in a jar out of Walter’s car. He asks, “Someone you know?” as he holds it up. Walter says, “I certainly hope not.”
It is not the best show on television, but it is at least entertaining enough to keep me coming back. I have hopes that the mystery of “The Pattern” will pay off in the end. I look forward to see where it is going.

“Fringe” airs every Tuesday at 9:00 p.m on Fox